How-To Guide





Android App Developer

Bubbl provides Information screens (Activities), that you may use, both for development purposes and as a part of your app. You can use these methods from BubblSdkManager for triggering corresponding screens.

Bubbl Inbox

The Bubbl Plugin provides a convenient view to allow users to interact with previously received messages from the Bubbl Platform. The title and empty message text can be changed by the app developer as follows:

    <string name="tech_bubbl_sdk_payloads_title">My Messages</string>
    <string name="tech_bubbl_sdk_no_payloads_yet">You have no messages</string>

This activity display a user's messages received from the Bubbl Platform: Note: in this example a button exists on the Activity with an id of myMessagesButton.

Button myMessagesButton = findViewById(;
myMessagesButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {

Bubbl Plugin Logs



This feature is to aid developer for debugging and testing purposes only, it must never be available to the Play Store.



The content on this view may not have been displayed to users, but is used for underlying Bubbl Plugin functionality

This activity provides Bubbl logs:

openLogsActivity(Context context)

Map with geofences



This feature is to aid developer for debugging and testing purposes only, it must never be available to the Play Store.



The content on this view may not have been displayed to users, but is used for underlying Bubbl Plugin functionality

This activity provides locations of your venues on the map, data on campaigns and payloads:

openMapActivity(Context context)