D2 Company Settings

To manage your Company Settings, you need to navigate to the Company management section of the Bubbl Platform.

You can find the Company Settings Page by completing the following action:

  • On the left hand navigation menu, click on Management (if selection is not already expanded)
  • This will expand the drop-down to access show the "Settings" option
  • On click of "Settings" the Company Settings page will load

Click the setting button. Under here you can update company details

  1. Click the "settings" button (if you are not already on the page)

  2. Click the pen icon to Upload a CompanyLogo

  3. Click the pen icon to Edit company name

  4. Click the pen icon to Edit company address

  5. Click the pen icon to Edit company contact number

  6. Click "Save changes" to save your changes to the Bubbl Platform